Microsoft Windows commands frquently used | |||
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Windows Disk Operating System (DOS) is a command-line operating system developed by Microsoft Corporation. It was the foundation of the Windows operating system family and was used as the main operating system for personal computers during the 1980s and early 1990s. DOS is a text-based operating system, meaning users interact with it through text commands rather than graphical interfaces. It provides basic functionality for managing files and executing programs, making it a fundamental part of computing history. Here are some frequently used Windows Disk Operating System (DOS) Command Prompt (CMD) commands: cd: Change directory.
dir: List contents of a directory.
mkdir: Create a new directory.
rmdir: Remove a directory.
del: Delete files.
copy: Copy files.
move: Move files.
Tags: DOS DOS Commands Windows DOS Windows DOS Commands cd cls copy del dir echo ipconfig mkdir move ping ren rmdir shutdown systeminfo taskkill tasklist | |||
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