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Artesia Alley Cleanup: A Day of Community and Contribution (updated at May 09, 2024)

I joined a bunch of fellow students and city volunteers for the Artesia Alley Cleaning Volunteering Activity.Despite the cloudy ...
Artesia Alley Cleanup: A Day of Community and Contribution

Mom's Amazing Cooking: My Stress Reliever (updated at May 09, 2024)

You know when you're feeling down and stressed out,and suddenly a plate of delicious food appears in front of you,making everyth...
Mom's Amazing Cooking: My Stress Reliever

Kicking Stress Away: From AP Tests to Taekwondo Mats (created at May 09, 2024)

Hey everyone! Just thought I’d drop in and share a bit about my crazy day—it was a mix of hardcore study vibes and martial arts ...
Kicking Stress Away: From AP Tests to Taekwondo Mats

Python Sets (updated at May 09, 2024)

Sets are used to store multiple items in a single variable.Set is one of 4 built-in data types in Python used to store collectio...

Python Tuples (updated at May 09, 2024)

Tuples are used to store multiple items in a single variable.Tuple is one of 4 built-in data types in Python used to store colle...
Python Tuples

Python Conditions and If statements (updated at May 09, 2024)

Python supports the usual logical conditions from mathematics::Equals: a == b,Not Equals: a != b,Less than: a < b,Less than or e...
Python Conditions and If statements

Python Dictionaries (updated at May 09, 2024)

Dictionaries are used to store data values in key:value pairs.A dictionary is a collection which is ordered*,changeable and do n...
Python Dictionaries

Python While Loops/For Loops (updated at May 09, 2024)

The while Loop.With the while loop we can execute a set of statements as long as a condition is true.The while loop requires rel...
Python While Loops/For Loops

Python Functions (updated at May 09, 2024)

A function is a block of code which only runs when it is called.You can pass data,known as parameters,into a function.A function...
Python Functions

Python Arrays (updated at May 09, 2024)

Arrays are used to store multiple values in one single variable: Access the Elements of an Array.You refer to an array element b...

Python Lambda (updated at May 09, 2024)

A lambda function is a small anonymous function.A lambda function can take any number of arguments,but can only have one express...
Python Lambda

Python Classes/Objects (updated at May 09, 2024)

Python is object-oriented.In Python,most things are objects with properties and methods.Class is an object constructor or "bluep...


Cinematic Adventure: My Experience Watching 'Suzume' (updated at Apr 08, 2024)


Mastering Excel Data Manipulation with Python (updated at Apr 26, 2024)

Try...Catch Helps Ignoring Data Type Miss-Match Error in Python (updated at Mar 26, 2024)

RegExp example in Python to exclude javascript from HTML code (created at Mar 22, 2024)

Python code to convert from Lunar to Solar (created at Mar 22, 2024)

Python example to download webpage (updated at Feb 26, 2024)

Python Modules (updated at May 09, 2024)

Python Scope (updated at May 09, 2024)

Python Polymorphism (updated at May 09, 2024)

Python Iterators (updated at May 09, 2024)

Python Inheritance (updated at May 09, 2024)


Artesia Alley Cleanup: A Day of Community and Contribution (updated at May 09, 2024)

Mom's Amazing Cooking: My Stress Reliever (updated at May 09, 2024)

Kicking Stress Away: From AP Tests to Taekwondo Mats (updated at May 09, 2024)

Python Sets (updated at May 09, 2024)

Python Tuples (updated at May 09, 2024)

Python Conditions and If statements (updated at May 09, 2024)

Python Dictionaries (updated at May 09, 2024)

Python While Loops/For Loops (updated at May 09, 2024)

Python Functions (updated at May 09, 2024)

Python Arrays (updated at May 09, 2024)