Zalpha Generation: A New Term for the Children of Gen Z and Millennials | |||
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Zalpha Generation is a new term that refers to the children of Generation Z and Generation M, also known as Generation Alpha. This term specifically denotes individuals born after the mid-1990s. This term emerged recently as a way to encompass young people distinct from older generations. It came about as Generation M, previously part of the "Generation MZ" label, has transitioned into adulthood, making this new term necessary to replace it. As of 2023, Generation Z encompasses individuals aged 13 to 26 (born between 1996 and 2009), ranging from middle school students to young adults entering the workforce. Generation Alpha, on the other hand, consists of those aged 12 or younger (born between 2010 and 2024), including newborns to elementary school students. These generations represent 25% of the South Korean population and 47% of the global population. Generation Alpha, also known as the "Generation Post-Z," is the first generation born entirely in the 21st century. The term was coined by Australian futurist and demographer Mark McCrindle over a decade ago. Globally, an estimated 2.8 million Alpha individuals are born each week. By 2025, their numbers are expected to reach 2.2 billion, exceeding the size of the Baby Boomer generation (their grandparents) and representing one-quarter of the world's population. Following Generation Alpha, subsequent generations are named using a 15-year cycle: Beta (β), Gamma (γ), and Delta (δ). These individuals are often labeled as "AI and Chatbot Natives" due to their extensive digital exposure, surpassing the "Digital and Mobile Natives" before them. They demonstrate accelerated physical maturity coupled with strong information literacy compared to previous generations. Generation Alpha displays an instant responsiveness to digital content, a strong emphasis on community belonging, and a heightened appreciation for offline experiences. These traits are even more prominent in this generation. Generation Z is now entering the workforce and quickly becoming a major economic force. Meanwhile, Generation Alpha already possesses significant brand influence and purchasing power. Generation Z is anticipated to be the most disruptive generation in history, transforming economic and social systems. By 2031, their combined income is predicted to surpass that of the Millennials (BofA, 2020). The emergence of Generation Z, the first generation born into the online world, has triggered a "Z Generation Revolution" as they join the workforce and influence older generations to adapt. By 2025, they will constitute approximately 27% of the global workforce. The collective income of Generation Z worldwide (born between 1996 and 2016) is projected to reach 33 trillion dollars by 2030, exceeding the income of Generation M by that time and representing a fivefold increase compared to 2020. This income will account for a quarter of global individual income. Generation Z's economic power is experiencing the most rapid growth among all generations. Their wealth and purchasing power are expected to be further amplified as they begin inheriting assets from their parents. Although Generation Alpha is not yet financially independent, they are acquiring assets in their own names at an accelerated rate, influenced by their parents and grandparents. They also play a significant role as silent decision-makers within their households' spending. By the end of 2022, the number of minors holding stock had increased sevenfold compared to 2019, reaching approximately 760,000. There is also a growing trend of grandparents skipping a generation to provide gifts to their grandchildren. The declining birth rate and the prevalence of single-child households mean that Millennial parents' spending power is concentrated on their Generation Alpha children. This, coupled with their preference for premium products, is driving the growth of related markets, leading to the formation of a “New Mom Economy.” Tags: Children of Gen Z Children of Millennials Generation Alpha Generation MZ Generation Post-Z Generation Zalpha ![]() ![]() | |||
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