Creating a simple Java Servlet (Web Server Page) with Apache Maven on Microsoft Windows | |||
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STEP 1. Install OpenJDK 17 → select microsoft-jdk-17.0.10-windows-x64.msi → Install
STEP 2. Install Maven
STEP 3. Creating a Java Web project in VS Code by using Maven plugin If you haven't install “Java Extension Pack”, do below steps Run VS Code → File → Preferences → Extensions (Ctrl + Shift + X) → Type Run VS Code → File → Preferences → Extensions (Ctrl + Shift + X) → Type Run VS Code → File → Preferences → Extensions (Ctrl + Shift + X) → Type If you haven't install “Maven for Java”, do below steps Run VS Code → File → Preferences → Extensions (Ctrl + Shift + X) → Type
STEP 4. Create a Maven Project Create a Maven Project → maven-archetype-webapp → 1.4 → input group ID like As a result,
STEP 5. How to run web service → Tomcat 10 → 32-bit/64-bit Windows Service Installer → Next → I Agree → + Host Manager + Examples → Set HTTP/1.1 Connector Port as Regarding Java Path, today I installed at You can check your web server at if everything goes fine.
STEP 6. JSP/Servlet Tutorial Tags: Apache Tomcat 10 JSP Java Tomcat | |||
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